DGB20 road base

DBG20 road base has been a staple in Aussie roads ever since we began sealing them. Durable and strong, it helps create the base of some of our most frequented roads, from the Hume Highway to the Central Coast Highway.

While DGB20 road base, in the past, was exclusively made from newly crushed quarry materials, we’ve seen a gradual shift to using recycled DGB20 road base for a whole bunch of reasons – from affordability to environmental sustainability. Let’s talk about why the Central Coast and Newcastle’s Recycled Concrete Products are your local favourites for premium quality recycled DBG20.

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But first, what’s DGB20 road base?

DBG20 (Densely Graded Base 20) is similar to standard 20mm road base in the sense that they’re both rated at ‘20mm minus’ (meaning it ranges from rocks of 20mm in diameter down to dust). However, DBG20 road base is known as a cut above the standard stuff, due to its compliancy with RMS specification 3051.

This means that DBG20 is suitable for use in bitumen, sub-division projects, council road developments and more.


What is it used for?

DBG20 is a road base that can be used for a variety of applications. Some of the most common include:

  • Road base
    Used as road base in the construction of state and council road infrastructure as well as site access roads and driveways.
  • Some structural fills
    Suitable for use as high quality, easily-compactible fill for certain applications with low moisture-sensitive properties.
  • Hardstands
    DBG20 is also appropriate for use in the construction of hardstands that require high load-bearing strength and low shrink/swell properties
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Benefits of investing in recycled DGB20 from Recycled Concrete Products

Recycled Concrete Products provide their Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter Valley customers with a premium quality DBG20 road base that is affordable and sustainable. Recycled quarry materials aren’t the future; they’re happening right now!

Save money, buy quality and help protect the environment all at the same time. Recycled Concrete Products are your one-stop shop for recycling construction materials and purchasing high-grade recycled aggregates. With two convenient locations in Central Coast and Newcastle, look no further than Recycled Concrete Products.